How is Political Geography made?

How is Political Geography made? 

Throughout years and places, how has Political Geography (as a discipline) evolved?

Main points ?
  • Geopolitics are everywhere
  • To be aware
  • International economics
  • The first world (USA), Second world (Soviet Union) and third world

History and Language of PG

- Started in Germany (Friedrich Ratzel 1885)
- Political Geography (1897)
- Lebensraum (1901)
- Biological conception of geography. State is organic and grow; they have no static borders. Countries in decline won’t grow.
- Erich Obst, Hermann Lautenbach Otto Maull built over Ratzel’s ideas
- In 1923, Karl Haushofer founded the Zeithschrift für Geopolitics (Nazi propaganda in Germany)

Political Geographer

- Halford Mackinder
● Heartland theory
- The world island; Europe, Asia, and Africa
- The offshore islands; UK/Japan

Pin page. (n.d.). Pinterest.

Definition of... 
Eurocentric views: A Eurocentric view is a perspective that places European culture, history, and values at the center, often considering them superior to those of other cultures 
(colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2024, May 30). Eurocentrismo. Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre. 

Pin page.(n.d.).Pinterest. 

PG Evolution

  • Early 70’s PG diversified
  • Departure of national states, now considering geographies of conflict between
  • Social groups
  • Critical view of contemporary world politics

Power and knowledge

  1. Persisting focus on a set of concepts
  2. Focus on trying to discover the ways in geography mediates between people and Political organization
  3. Political geographers as an “intellectual tribe”

Critical Geographies

  • Decentered from traditional / classic focus on geography
            - Eurocentric
            - Western
  • Focus on coloniality of power
            - Focus on the so-called shadow of modernity
            - Structures that maintain and expand racial/ethnic inequalities throughout time and across geographies
            - persisting focus of power connected to whiteness, masculinity and capital
  •  Focus on who creates these understandings and the importance of experiences, subjectivities, etc.

Here's a video for seeing clearer why it's important [TED talk - Dr. Khanna and Dr. Noxolo]

After this little introduction, what do you think? 

Is important to know this since it helps to understand how world actually works by guiding us through maps, when it was created and what it covers is something amazing, so we can understand how we are related to others even if they're in the other side of the world.  How it started by just wanting, making theories and creating maps and connections. To this point not many are interested to learn geography probably because it wasn't that interesting. But they are ways to do it fun, like a blog or comparing it with something most people like.

Some cases about why Geopolitics are made or important So going to this link some cases like "A deal between the US and the Taliban"  

(Ángel Bermúdez (@angelbermudez), 2020)

                                              Ángel Bermúdez (@angelbermudez). (2020, December 24). 5 hitos geopolíticos que hicieron historia en 2020. BBC News Mundo. 
